STS091-718-012.jpg STS091-375-029МиниатюрыSTS091-375-034STS091-375-029МиниатюрыSTS091-375-034
The seven crew members of STS-91 assume a star burst" pose for their traditional in-flight crew portrait aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. (For orientation, picture should be held with U.S. flag in upper left corner) Astronaut Wendy B. Lawrence, mission specialist, is at bottom center. Others are (counter-clockwise from Lawrence) Andrew S.W. Thomas, mission specialist; Charles J. Precourt, mission commander; Valery V. Ryumin, mission specialist representing the Russian Aviation and Space Agency; Janet L. Kavandi, mission specialist; Dominic C. Gorie, pilot; and Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, payload commander. STS091-718-012 was selected by PAO for release to the public. "
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The seven crew members of STS-91 assume a star burst" pose for their traditional in-flight crew portrait aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. (For orientation, picture should be held with U.S. flag in upper left corner) Astronaut Wendy B. Lawrence, mission specialist, is at bottom center. Others are (counter-clockwise from Lawrence) Andrew S.W. Thomas, mission specialist; Charles J. Precourt, mission commander; Valery V. Ryumin, mission specialist representing the Russian Aviation and Space Agency; Janet L. Kavandi, mission specialist; Dominic C. Gorie, pilot; and Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, payload commander. STS091-718-012 was selected by PAO for release to the public. "
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