KSC-04PD-0683.jpg KSC-04PD-0682PiktogramosKSC-04PD-0684KSC-04PD-0682PiktogramosKSC-04PD-0684
John J. Tip Talone (right) poses with Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach and his wife during the annual National Space Club Debus Award Banquet. Talone received the award that was created to recognize significant achievements made in Florida to American aerospace efforts. The event was held at the Dr. Kurt H. Debus Conference Facility in the Visitor Complex. Talone is director of the International Space Station/Payloads Processing directorate at KSC that is responsible for prelaunch and launch preparations for all Shuttle payloads. He was honored for his outstanding personal and professional efforts in supporting the U.S. space program, especially in his current role. The award was created by the National Space Club Florida Committee to recognize significant achievements and contributions made in Florida to American aerospace efforts. It is named for Dr. Kurt H. Debus, first director of KSC, from 1962 to 1974.
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Kennedy Space Center
John J. Tip Talone (right) poses with Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach and his wife during the annual National Space Club Debus Award Banquet. Talone received the award that was created to recognize significant achievements made in Florida to American aerospace efforts. The event was held at the Dr. Kurt H. Debus Conference Facility in the Visitor Complex. Talone is director of the International Space Station/Payloads Processing directorate at KSC that is responsible for prelaunch and launch preparations for all Shuttle payloads. He was honored for his outstanding personal and professional efforts in supporting the U.S. space program, especially in his current role. The award was created by the National Space Club Florida Committee to recognize significant achievements and contributions made in Florida to American aerospace efforts. It is named for Dr. Kurt H. Debus, first director of KSC, from 1962 to 1974.
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