KSC-08PD-3128.jpg KSC-08PD-3196DiapositivasKSC-08PD-3189KSC-08PD-3196DiapositivasKSC-08PD-3189
After transfer of space shuttle Atlantis’ HST payload on Launch Pad 39A on NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the payload canister has been lowered onto the transporter. Umbilical lines keep the payload in an environmentally controlled environment. The payload comprises four carriers holding various equipment for the mission. The hardware will be transported back to Kennedy’s Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility where it will be stored until a new target launch date can be set for Atlantis’ STS-125 mission in 2009. Atlantis’ October target launch date was delayed after a device on board Hubble used in the storage and transmission of science data to Earth shut down on Sept. 27. Replacing the broken device will be added to Atlantis’ servicing mission to the telescope.
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Kennedy Space Center
NASA/Kim Shiflett
After transfer of space shuttle Atlantis’ HST payload on Launch Pad 39A on NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the payload canister has been lowered onto the transporter. Umbilical lines keep the payload in an environmentally controlled environment. The payload comprises four carriers holding various equipment for the mission. The hardware will be transported back to Kennedy’s Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility where it will be stored until a new target launch date can be set for Atlantis’ STS-125 mission in 2009. Atlantis’ October target launch date was delayed after a device on board Hubble used in the storage and transmission of science data to Earth shut down on Sept. 27. Replacing the broken device will be added to Atlantis’ servicing mission to the telescope.
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2008:10:15 00:00:00