9351935484_2d6f481e84_o.jpg AS09-22-3463Povezne sličiceAS09-26A-3768AAS09-22-3463Povezne sličiceAS09-26A-3768A
Color infrared photograph of the Yazoo River Valley, Pearl River, Pearl River Reservoir, and Jackson, Mississippi, area, taken on March 9, 1969, by one of the four synchronized cameras of the Apollo 9 Earth Resources Survey SO65 Experiment. At 1:08 p.m. (EST) when this photograph was made the Apollo 9 spacecraft was at an altitude of 105 nautical miles, and the sun elevation was at 55 degrees above the horizon. The location of the point on Earth's surface at which the four-camera combination was aimed was 32 degrees 34 minutes north latitude, and 89 degrees 57 minutes west longitude. The other three cameras used: (B) black and white film with a red filter; (C) black and white infrared film; and (D) black and white film with a green filter.
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Color infrared photograph of the Yazoo River Valley, Pearl River, Pearl River Reservoir, and Jackson, Mississippi, area, taken on March 9, 1969, by one of the four synchronized cameras of the Apollo 9 Earth Resources Survey SO65 Experiment. At 1:08 p.m. (EST) when this photograph was made the Apollo 9 spacecraft was at an altitude of 105 nautical miles, and the sun elevation was at 55 degrees above the horizon. The location of the point on Earth's surface at which the four-camera combination was aimed was 32 degrees 34 minutes north latitude, and 89 degrees 57 minutes west longitude. The other three cameras used: (B) black and white film with a red filter; (C) black and white infrared film; and (D) black and white film with a green filter.
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