KSC-97PC-0847.jpg KSC-97PC-0848الصور المصغرةKSC-97PC-0846KSC-97PC-0848الصور المصغرةKSC-97PC-0846
NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin presents some gifts to returning astronaut Jerry M. Linenger, who spent the last four months on the Russian Space Station Mir. Goldin met with Linenger in the Crew Transport Vehicle shortly after the Space Shuttle orbiter Atlantis landed on Runway 33 of KSC's Shuttle Landing Facility at the conclusion of the nine-day STS-84 mission. Goldin gave the astronaut flowers for Linenger's wife, Kathryn; a stuffed bear for their 18-month-old son, John; and a rattle for their unborn child who is due next month. STS-84 was the sixth of nine planned dockings of the Space Shuttle with the Mir. Mir 23 crew member Linenger was replaced on the Russian space station by STS-84 Mission Specialist C. Michael Foale.
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Kennedy Space Center
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NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin presents some gifts to returning astronaut Jerry M. Linenger, who spent the last four months on the Russian Space Station Mir. Goldin met with Linenger in the Crew Transport Vehicle shortly after the Space Shuttle orbiter Atlantis landed on Runway 33 of KSC's Shuttle Landing Facility at the conclusion of the nine-day STS-84 mission. Goldin gave the astronaut flowers for Linenger's wife, Kathryn; a stuffed bear for their 18-month-old son, John; and a rattle for their unborn child who is due next month. STS-84 was the sixth of nine planned dockings of the Space Shuttle with the Mir. Mir 23 crew member Linenger was replaced on the Russian space station by STS-84 Mission Specialist C. Michael Foale.
تاريخ الصورة
السبت 24 ماي 1997
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